Monday, October 8, 2007

Bah bah black sheep my son thinks you are cool. . .

My wife has been trying to get me to go to Gardner Village, a local arts and crafts compound near our home. Well, after much coercing and two years, I finally went! It was fun! Luke had a blast riding a pony and collecting who knows what kind of germs at the petting zoo.

I recently had a conversation with some friends about the fact that although I am getting older, I don't feel anymore mature or responsible! I have come to find out that the little success I have being a parent is directly tied to being able to relate to a two year old! Until my children hit their teenage years, I am hoping that this lack of maturity will help me be able to stay close to them without driving my wife nuts! Truth is. . . I think I had just as much fun as Luke at that stupid little petting zoo!


Sabrosa Cycles said...

When I was a kid I thought that every adult was a grown up. Now that I am working on the big 30 I realize that people certainly age, but hardly ever grow up. I still think that I am 19 and an arm fart would probably still make me laugh.

Peter and Annisa Boogaard said...

That comment Scott made about him and the petting zoo...I think I speak for everyone when I say, no shocker there.... :)

Scott said...

Booooogaaaard conglomerate. . . I cannot wait until you have kids! Also, FYI. . . those were some good lookin sheep!